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سؤال وضعية ادماجية بالانجليزية تتحدث فيها عن القرن 12 ومن هم العلماء الذين ظهروا في ذاك القرن مع ذكر الاختراعات و الابتكارات والاعمال التي قام بها العلماء في ذلك العصر فقرة قصيرة جدا جدا جدا وملخصة كثيرا ورائعة تتحدث فيها عن المهم فقط؟

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بالتأكيد ، إليك ملخص سريع للعلماء واختراعاتهم واكتشافاتهم في القرن الثاني عشر:
The 12th century was a time of great scientific progress, with many important discoveries and inventions being made. Some of the most notable scientists of this period include:
Adelard of Bath: English scholar who translated many important Arabic scientific texts into Latin.
Al-Khwarizmi: Persian mathematician who developed algebra.
Hermann of Carinthia: German astronomer who made important contributions to the understanding of the solar system.
Hildegard of Bingen: German abbess and writer who made important contributions to natural history and medicine.
Maimonides: Jewish philosopher and physician who made important contributions to medicine and astronomy.
Robert Grosseteste: English bishop and philosopher who made important contributions to optics and mathematics.
Roger Bacon: English philosopher and scientist who made important contributions to optics and experimental science.
These scientists made important contributions to a wide range of fields, including astronomy, mathematics, medicine, natural history, and philosophy. Their work helped to lay the foundation for the scientific revolution of the 16th and 17th centuries.
Some of the most important inventions and discoveries of the 12th century include:
The astrolabe: An instrument used to measure the altitude of celestial bodies.
The compass: A device that uses Earth's magnetic field to determine direction.
The printing press: A machine that made it possible to mass-produce books.
The water wheel: A machine that uses the energy of moving water to power mills and other machines.
These inventions and discoveries had a profound impact on society, making it possible for people to travel more easily, communicate more effectively, and produce goods more efficiently.
The 12th century was a time of great scientific and technological progress. The work of the scientists and inventors of this period helped to lay the foundation for the modern world.

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