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سؤال وضعية ادماجية بالانجليزية تتحدث فيها عن القرن العاشر ومن هم العلماء الذين ظهروا في ذاك القرن مع ذكر الاختراعات و الابتكارات والاعمال التي قام بها العلماء في ذلك العصر فقرة قصيرة جدا جدا جدا وملخصة كثيرا ورائعة تتحدث فيها عن المهم فقط؟

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بالتأكيد ، إليك ملخص سريع للقرن العاشر الميلادي:
The 10th century was a golden age for science and mathematics, particularly in the Islamic world. Many scholars made significant contributions to these fields, including:
Al-Khwarizmi: A Persian mathematician who is considered the father of algebra. He developed the concept of the algorithm and wrote the book The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing, which introduced the Hindu-Arabic numeral system to the Middle East.
Al-Razi: A Persian physician and philosopher who is considered one of the greatest physicians of the Middle Ages. He wrote the book The Book of Medicine, which was a comprehensive encyclopedia of medical knowledge.
Al-Masudi: An Arab historian and geographer who wrote the book The Meadows of Gold and Mines of Gems, which is a comprehensive history of the world.
Ibn al-Haytham: An Arab mathematician, astronomer, and physicist who is considered the father of optics. He wrote the book The Book of Optics, which was a major contribution to the field of optics.
Al-Biruni: A Persian polymath who made significant contributions to mathematics, astronomy, physics, and medicine. He wrote the book The Canon of Mas'ud, which is a comprehensive encyclopedia of scientific knowledge.
These are just a few of the many scholars who made significant contributions to science and mathematics in the 10th century. Their work helped to lay the foundation for the scientific revolution that would take place in the centuries to come.
In addition to scientific advancements, the 10th century also saw a number of important cultural and political developments. The Islamic world experienced a period of economic prosperity and cultural flourishing. The Umayyad caliphate in Spain was a major center of learning and culture, and the Abbasid caliphate in Baghdad was a major center of trade and commerce.
The 10th century was also a time of great change and upheaval. The Byzantine Empire was weakened by a series of wars with the Arabs, and the Holy Roman Empire was plagued by internal conflicts. The Mongol Empire emerged as a major power in Central Asia, and the Vikings began to explore and raid Europe.
Overall, the 10th century was a time of great progress and change. It was a time of scientific discovery, cultural flourishing, and political upheaval. The 10th century helped to lay the foundation for the modern world.

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